www.brix.de - Hauptseite,  Computer Stand: 2002-06-10

Macintosh Family: Batteries & Part Numbers

(aus: 29 October 1996-Information Alley, Copyright 1994-96, Apple Computer, Inc.)

World Wide Web:
http://til.info.apple.com OR


TOPIC -----------------------------------------------------------

(1) Why do Macintosh computers have an internal battery?

(2) How long does this battery usually last?

(3) The battery in my Macintosh has a date stamped on it. Is this the manufacture or expiration date?

(4) What are the symptoms of a dead battery?

(5) How do I replace the battery when it goes dead?

(6) What kind of battery is the internal battery?

(7) What are the part numbers for the batteries in various Macintosh models?

DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------

(1) Why do Macintosh computers have an internal battery?

Macintosh computers contain a battery in order to maintain certain internal settings even when the computer is turned off. These settings include things such as the date & time, the AppleTalk on/off setting, and the color on/off setting. These settings are stored in a special part of memory called PRAM (parameter RAM).

(2) How long does this battery usually last?

We believe that a battery should last UP TO five years after you receive your Macintosh. This does NOT mean that we expect every battery to last this long. Note that the battery may fail sooner, depending upon its shelf life, power usage patterns, and the individual battery inside your computer.

(3) The battery in my Macintosh has a date stamped on it. Is this the manufacture or expiration date?

It is the manufacture date.

(4) What are the symptoms of a dead battery?

When the Macintosh will not retain PRAM settings (such as the date/time) after it has been turned off, this generally indicates a dead battery.

(5) How do I replace the battery when it goes dead?

Apple recommends dealer installation of a new battery. Apple does not sell service parts such as batteries directly to end users. A battery can explode if installed in the wrong position. Finally, Apple-authorized service providers will return dead batteries to Apple for safe disposal or recycling.

(6) What kind of battery is the internal battery?

It depends on the model of Macintosh. The batteries used in Macintosh computers are lithium or alkaline, and are commonly 3.6-4.5 volts.

(7) What are the part numbers for the batteries in various Macintosh models?

Macintosh Model                                      Part Number
---------------                                      -----------
Macintosh 128, 512K, 512Ke, Macintosh Plus            742-0003

 equivalents:   Eveready  #523-BP
                Ray-O-Vac #RPX-21
                Duracell  #PX-21
                Panasonic #PX-21

Macintosh SE 800K, Macintosh II (with leads)          742-0009
Macintosh II with 600-0530 Battery Holder Board       742-0011
Macintosh SE FDHD (with leads)                        742-0011
Macintosh Classic (4-chip and 2-chip)                 742-0011
Macintosh SE/30, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, IIsi          742-0011
Macintosh IIvi, IIvx, Performa 600                    742-0011
Macintosh LC, LC II, LC III, Performa 400 series      742-0011
Macintosh Quadra 605, LC 475, Performa 475, 476       742-0011
Macintosh LC 520, LC 550, Performa 550                742-0011*
Macintosh LC 575, Performa 575, 577, 578              922-0750
Macintosh Classic II, Color Classic, Performa 200     742-0011*
Macintosh 630 Family including Quadra, LC, Performa   922-0750
Macintosh Quadra 610, 650, 700, 800, 900, 950         742-0011
Power Macintosh and Performa 5200, 5300, 6200, 6300   922-0750
     5400, and 6400 series computers
Power Macintosh 6100/60, 6100/66, 7100/66, 8100/80    742-0011
Power Macintosh 7100/80, 8100/100, 8100/110,          922-1262
     7200 series, 7500 series, 7600 series, 8500
     series, and 9500 series

* Logic boards of the Color Classic, Macintosh LC 520, and the LC/Performa 550 have been revised and use a new battery, part number 922-0750. Your service provider will be able to determine which battery should be used.

Portable and PowerBook computers ---------------------------------

For the system batteries listed below, readings of less than 5.4 Volts indicate sulfated (irreparably damaged) batteries for the Portable and PowerBook 100 batteries. The Nickel Cadmium Batteries in the PowerBook 140, 145, 160, 165c, 170 and 180 computers and the Nickel Metal Hydride batteries of the PowerBook Duo computers can usually be recharged even from a deep discharge.

Portable/PowerBook Model                              Part Number
------------------------                              -----------
Portable, Backlit Portable System Battery             076-0376
Portable, Backlit Portable Backup Battery             9 Volt Alkaline

PowerBook 100 System Battery                          661-0782
PowerBook 100 Backup Batteries                        CR-2430  (qty 3)

PowerBook 140, 145, 170 System Battery                661-0754
PowerBook 140, 145, 170 Backup Battery                661-0724 (attached
                                                                to board)
PowerBook 150 System Battery                          661-0013

PowerBook 160, 180 System Battery                     661-0789
PowerBook 160, 180 Backup Battery                     661-0750  (attached
                                                                to board)
PowerBook 165c System Battery                         661-0013
PowerBook 165c Backup Battery                         661-0764  (attached
                                                                to board)
PowerBook 190 series, System Battery                  661-1028
PowerBook 190 series, Backup Battery                  922-1418

PowerBook Duo 210, 230 System Battery                 661-1656
PowerBook Duo 210, 230 Backup Battery                 630-6546

PowerBook Duo 250, 270c System Battery                661-1735
PowerBook Duo 250, 270c Backup Battery                630-6546

PowerBook 500 series, System Battery                  661-0055
PowerBook 500 series, Backup Battery                  922-0786

PowerBook 1400 series, System Battery                 922-2420
PowerBook 1400 series, Backup Battery                 922-2429

PowerBook Duo 2300 System Battery                     661-0053
PowerBook Duo 2300 Backup Battery                     630-6546

PowerBook 5300 series, System Battery                 661-1028
PowerBook 5300 series, Backup Battery                 922-1418

Stefan Brix

Was macht
